Discover the 5 most common causes of autism

Discover the 5 most common causes of autism

Our experience with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is still in its infancy. We still have a lot to understand about mental health to prevent and prevent mental illness. For some years it has been known that infants do not show or show symptoms of autism. Infants include babies born up to 12 months and 24 months.

Autism experts and organizations urge parents to monitor their children for warning signs of autism. Infants are now aware of the signs and symptoms. The sooner you pass an autism test, the better it is for your baby. Services and treatment can help children with mental illness learn language skills, social skills and other skills related to mental illness.

Here are some signs of autism in infants:

difficult to speak

Since autism affects language skills, expect your child to have difficulty speaking. It is the most common of all signs of autism. Infants who are unable to form one-word sentences at 16 months and two-word sentences at 24 months are more likely to have autism.

Do not respond on your own behalf

Usually, 9-month-old babies can recognize and respond to their own name. If your child is unresponsive or unresponsive when you try to call his or her name, he or she may be developing autism. However, this behavior does not indicate that the child has a disability, as it means that the child has hearing loss or some other problem.

Don’t rush once you hit 12 months.

Bubbling happens when babies try to say the sounds of words but don’t give instructions. These are the baby sounds “Baba Baba” and “Mama Mama”. Babies also want to point at cute objects and people at this age.

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Don’t laugh with different eyes

Infants often cannot see because they don’t look like people or objects, but infants with mental illness may have short, unusual faces. They also don’t laugh, interact with others, or have relationships. Compare your child’s eye contact and make a different face with other children of the same age.

Reconstruction and equipment

This usually occurs in all signs of autism. Babies love doing things like opening and closing doors, putting things away and putting things back together. He also likes to place toys and objects such as bottles and cans in a straight line.
Always remember that it is important to be careful when interpreting the signs of autism.

Babies can see these behaviors, but not autistic at all. Some of these symptoms may be due to other issues.
If you notice early signs of mental illness, your baby should be seen by your doctor or therapist immediately. When your child gets services first, the results are better.

Find out why kids with mental illness think in pictures instead of words

The communication of autistic children differs from this model, including their cognitive processes. Because children with autism are not busy with words, it is easier for them to store information from pictures. Children with autism can understand and teach others by remembering pictures.

Children with autism learn language by turning letters into pictures. A person with similar thoughts works steadily, while an autistic person has a desire to see. Therefore, the shape of the image and the color of the image play an important role in your way of thinking.

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They help children with autism learn to speak easily. Studies show that people with autism want to see more visually because areas of the brain involved in visual function are better. In addition, the spatial and spatial sites of the cortical region of the brain are not as normal as the iliac site.

Visually, children with autism can improve speech and writing. Because our brains work differently, we can understand better by creating and memorizing images. They are not based on words, but rather take creative ideas and break them down into small details to create a complete picture.

Descriptions and ideas can be expressed through visual concepts such as images and objects. For example, if an animal makes a child happy, it becomes the symbol of the word happiness. The bright colors of the pictures can activate the brain in the thinking process of autistic children.
Spatial memory for images or objects allows people with autism to engage in appropriate language and establish communication to function in the community.

Because we want to see visually, it’s easier to show up in a construction environment. Because they want to see visually, it is important to learn how to use visual aids such as drawings, props, diagrams or symbols. A paragraph or verbal instruction is taught by visual demonstration. For example, the word “above” appears easily in an image of a soft colored balloon rising upwards.

Visual aids, such as flashcards and soft colors, make storage easier and help teach numbers and other concepts to children with autism. Since children with autism have difficulty temporarily remembering several steps or words, it is advisable to avoid or write long sentences.
A study comparing the brains of people with and without autism found that most people with autism are very good at drawing and sketching.

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For example, children with mental illness function better using color-coded devices that allow them to think in picture memory. For example, an autistic child learns to interact with each other by thinking about the concept of intersection. These ideas are small diagrams of different types of intersections. When an incident occurs, the spirit collects this information and widens its eyes so that the autistic child remembers what was happening at the intersection.

Children with autism think in pictures rather than words because it is easier to share and store information. By associating names with colors and shapes of pictures or objects, children with mental illness develop a desire to facilitate their understanding and communication.