Between cholesterol and oxytocin

Treatment of autism: the link between cholesterol and oxytocin

In the previous video I talked about oxytocin. This deserves further discussion as a growing number of studies suggest that oxytocin deficiency plays an important role in cognitive decline in many people with mental illness. Not only does a lack of oxytocin increase stress, but a lack of oxytocin has also been shown to affect cognitive abilities, such as changes in the face and voice.

Low levels of oxytocin have a huge impact on your ability to distinguish between sad and happy sounds or to tell when someone is curious. The same for the facial expression. Oxytocin affects a person’s ability to distinguish between a sweet look and a smile.

Oxytocin plays an important role in activating various areas of the brain essential for the production of these neurotransmitters.

The most important thing to understand is that there is a connection between cholesterol and oxytocin levels and many children have low or often very low cholesterol. In my practice, the lowest level I’ve ever seen is 65 which is very low. All cholesterol is very easy for your baby and any clinic or hospital can test for your baby.

An important link between cholesterol and oxytocin is that cholesterol is the active ingredient in the oxytocin receptors in the brain. So, if your baby doesn’t have enough cholesterol, interactions with the oxytocin receptors may not work well.

Brain receptors act as locks and keys, and nerve impulses are generated in the brain by receptors that are activated and interact with neurochemicals.

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When the drug attaches itself to the receptor, it acts as a key that properly closes the door. When the door is opened, a stream of toxic information flows through the brain. For oxytocin receptors to work properly, they need enough cholesterol to activate them. So we can see how oxytocin affects relationship problems.

Seeing the face and voice can be associated with stress and relationships. And cholesterol levels are very important for the proper functioning of the oxytocin receptors.

A simple blood test will tell your child what grade he is in, preferably between 170 and 180. So it’s very easy to check, so talk to your child’s doctor.

Autism Treatment – Probiotics

We want to briefly talk about the different types of probiotics that can be used for many problems encountered in children with special needs.

In general, probiotics are considered viable bacteria that provide a variety of nutrients needed by the digestive system and help use essential vitamins and minerals.

Probiotics can also help support the digestive tract immune system and reduce certain diseases such as yeast and bacteria. Therefore, for general support, many herbal probiotic drugs are used for specific purposes.

And when I say multifloral probiotics, they contain a variety of acidophilus and bifidobacter, which act almost like a multivitamin in the digestive tract and are considered multifloral probiotics.

There are many types of Multiflora probiotics available. One example is the Probiotic Support model, another is the Full Therbiotic model, and the third example is the Multi-Flower Spectrum.

You can find the probiotic support formula at New Beginnings Nutritionals, Therbiotic Complete at Klaire Labs, and Multi-Flor Spectrum at Kirkman Labs.

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So you can find probiotics that can help with specific treatments and can help with specific problems. One probiotic treatment is a product called Culturelle. Culturelle is a probiotic that contains a type of acidophilus called acidophilus GG. This type of probiotic works well for Clostridia.

There are several types of Clostridial bacteria and this form of Acidophilus GG probiotic will focus on other types of Clostridial bacteria.

When prescribing or testing organic acids for children with special needs, and when I see signs of high levels of Clostridial disease, my first step is usually long-term treatment to help control the Clostridial disease.

Autism Treatment – Leaky Gut Part 3 of 3

I’ll talk a little more about the leaky answer idea. In the past I have discussed whether it was the rupture of the tight junctions or the mid-section of the cells of the digestive tract. Once opened, food contains high levels of protein and other metabolic toxins produced by yeast and bacteria.

Also, anything we inhale from food and water can enter the bloodstream through the intestines. Treatment on an empty stomach is not unique. However, many medications have been shown to support the stomach and promote overall organ function and overall health.

Another supplement that can help is probiotics. Probiotics like Lactobacilli, Bifidobacter, and Saccharomyces boulardii are yeast species that help kill other yeasts in the gut.

Eating distractions can play an important role in supporting the gastrointestinal tract. Eating casein-free, gluten-free, high-carb, and low-oxalate foods can reduce intestinal pain, which helps the gut.

Once the inflammation has subsided, the bacteria in the digestive tract heal and regenerate. At the same time, it helps create a less favorable intestinal environment for bacteria and yeasts.

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People with a genetic intolerance to gluten, known as celiac disease, know that the digestive system can become dull.

At the same time, it can cause indigestion. However, if you follow a gluten-free diet, you will find that the lining heals and regenerates as the inflammatory process subsides.

Other factors that have been shown to be helpful in treatment include glutamine, cayenne pepper, and turmeric. Glutamine is a secondary amino acid.

Cayenne is an herb that stimulates blood flow to the stomach and stimulates the secretion of secretory IgA, both of which are effective in treating intestinal disorders.

Boosting secreted IgA also improves the immune system against yeast and bacteria. Another product is turmeric, a substance called curcumin, which is also a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Not only does it help with inflammation in the digestive system, it also helps with inflammation in the body. Therefore, the main goals in treating gastrointestinal disorders are to reduce pain with certain medications, to control candidiasis, and to follow a diet to reduce the number of foods that cause pain.

There is no cure for all, but many of them can be very effective for treatment.