How to Control Anger and Rage When You Are Upset With Your Autistic Child

How to Control Anger and Rage When You Are Upset With Your Autistic Child

It can be difficult to control anger and resentment when you are angry with a child with a mental illness. But there are healthy ways to do it. What, maybe you ask? As an adult, you want to be a strong, respectful parent or guardian who decides what to do, thinks, talks, and makes good choices.

One way that can help you overcome your anger and frustration is to get to know the participants. Remember, this can be quiet and itchy. Care is a solid foundation on which a person feels comfortable. It tells you what happened or what happened. You want to know how you behave or how you treat yourself and your child with autism looking at the current situation.

Empathy is another key. It allows you to listen angrily. Empathy develops self-awareness. The more open you are to your thinking, the better you will understand or teach your child to read.

Don’t forget to take the time to warm up. When you find time to relax, you and your child can work and discuss levels you both understand. As a parent or guardian, you have to walk, drive, walk, move to another room, find some quiet time, or just sit quietly with the music. You may regret it if you can’t find a way to keep it cool.

There are times when I am angry, and when I am angry it is comforting to refresh my mind by looking at my colorful flowers and plants. As I do this for myself, I see and feel new energy and new peace.
I learned from my own experience that most people who are angry or upset try to deal with other people. The type of connection you want to make is with your autistic child.

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Some of the relationships you can develop with your child to help you deal with anger and resentment are eye contact, face-to-face contact, hand-to-hand contact, and side-to-side contact. This can be accomplished by using soft words in a calm voice to make those connections. Getting rid of anger and resentment can be nurturing and rewarding if you are passionate about remembering, listening carefully to the situation, and achieving success with your child through socialization, harmony, time, contact, or connection.

Over time, your feelings will disappear, and you will also be able to communicate with your child. Anger and rage from a parent or guardian can cause serious problems if you don’t know how and why to control them. We are all frustrated and angry. Sometimes it can be more difficult when you have a child with a mental illness and it can affect your child’s siblings and other family members.

If you know the anger and rage that often happens to your child and you have trouble understanding or controlling why it is happening, it is best to seek help or talk to him. Speak to an autism specialist who better understands how you can manage and resolve this issue. You and your baby deserve a relationship.

Hippotherapy – A new treatment for autism?

The word hippotherapy comes from the Greek “hippo” meaning “horse”. It describes the use of physical, functional, or speech therapy that uses multiple movements of a walking horse to support the rider and help improve balance, movement efficiency and agility, collaboration, and l ‘energy. Often, hippotherapy helps with mental illness and also improves mood and self-esteem.

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The horse’s rhymes and multiple movements provide the patient with contrasting and repetitive reflexes. The accompaniment can vary and be managed by a trained doctor to adapt to the patient’s needs and support the functioning of daily life. For example, a physical therapist will use a variety of horse movements to improve all riding skills such as sitting, standing, and walking.

According to the American Hippotherapy Association, hippocampal therapy is recommended for children and adults with mild to severe illness. Helps with problems such as muscle weakness. balance, coordination and hearing disorders; postural asymmetry; poor physical control; and reduce mobility. Hippotherapy has been used to treat conditions such as cerebral palsy (CP), developmental delays, traumatic brain injury, stroke, and autism.

Hippotherapy has been used in the United States since the 1970s. However, it is still considered an experimental and clinical trial because there is not enough research evidence for its effectiveness in treating CP, autism, and other motor-tested symptoms.
A recent study by Bass, Duchowny and Llabre (2009) examined the effects of equestrian impact therapy over 12 weeks of community service in children with autism.

The results showed that children with autism improved social and intermittent and intermittent behaviors. These results suggest that hippotherapy may play an important role in the treatment of autistic children. However, before hippotherapy becomes widely accepted as a treatment for autism, more research is needed to demonstrate therapeutic benefits. Use:

Bass, M., Duchony, C., & Llabre, M. (2009). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 39(9), 1261-7.
Monika Pis is Director of Health, Safety and Nutrition at Plugged In Parenting. He is a pediatrician with a doctorate from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

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She has been providing health care to infants, children and adolescents for almost 10 years. Dr. Monika’s special interests are food, exercise and obesity. Since her motto is “Prevention is the best cure”, she is part of her mission to teach patients the steps to good health.